Free to homeowners, low fee to contractors*

We work tirelessly with our partners to keep our fees low and minimize our impact on total project cost

* For transactions under $5000, homeowners who choose to pay by credit card incur a 3.05% processing fee


Transaction amount
Credit card processing fee
3.25% ($10.00 minimum)
Standard fee + 3.05%
$162.50 + 0.26% of amount over $5000
Not available
$25,000.01 +
Not available

Payment options for homeowner

  • Wire transfer
  • Money order
  • Credit Card - American Express, MasterCard, Visa
  • PayPal

Transactions with a Homeowner will be charged an additional $25.00 to cover any intermediary bank fees. This will be added to the escrow fee, regardless of who is paying the fee, when the Homeowner selects to pay by international wire transfer.

Please note that the payment methods of Credit card and PayPal will incur a Payment Processing Fee and are subject to additional restrictions.

Disbursement Options for Contractors

After the transaction is created, the contractor can specify their preferred disbursement method for that transaction. Once all terms of the transaction have been completed and verified, will pay the seller the same or next business day using their preferred disbursement method. The escrow fee is automatically deducted from the payment amount when it is released to the contractor.

Please note, some disbursement methods incur additional fees.


Wire Transfer (U.S.)
1 Business day
Electronic Check (ACH), U.S. only
3 Business days
No charge

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